Entries by Britton Loftin

We Stand with Venezuelan Immigrants!

Working Families United, a coalition of unions working collectively to protect and empower our immigrant members, stands in solidarity with Venezuelan immigrants who have recently seen their Temporary Protected Status (TPS) precipitously revoked by the Trump administration. TPS holders play an essential and integral role in our society. They are workers, union members, neighbors, friends, […]

Working Families United and the four million union members we represent, call on the House to pass the American Dream and Promise Act Now!

March 5, 2021 Representative Lucille Roybal-Allard Representative Nydia Velazquez Representative Yvette Clarke Dear Representatives Roybal-Allard, Velazquez, and Clarke: On behalf of Working Families United (WFU), a labor coalition created to protect workers with Temporary Protected Status (TPS), we thank you for your re-introduction of H.R. 6, the American Dream and Promise Act.  WFU is proud […]